SOLVED Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Level 9 Answer

In Brain Test 2, Level 9 for Agent Smith, your goal is to stop a man from escaping by controlling a traffic light.

To do this, you need to find a hidden black box and press its button to change the light from red to green.

Can you find the box and catch the escapee, or will he get away?

Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Level 9 Answer

Level 9 Smith must catch the man Overview

In Level 9 of Brain Test 2, you need to help Agent Smith catch a man who’s trying to escape.

To do this, you have to change the traffic light to stop him. You’ll need to interact with different things in the scene, using your logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Watch how the characters move and pay attention to all the details, as everything can be important.

Completing this level will help Agent Smith in his mission and move you forward in the game.

Step-by-Step Solution

To beat Level 9 in Brain Test 2, you need to find the black box in the scene.

Look around carefully because it’s usually hidden among other objects. Once you spot it, tap on it to reveal a button.

Press that button to change the traffic light from red to green. When the light turns green, the car will move forward and hit the man, allowing Agent Smith to catch him.

Just follow these steps and you’ll solve the level and move on in the game. Pay close attention and think logically to master this puzzle.

Game Tips and Resources

After you get through Level 9 by thinking logically and paying close attention, let’s make your gameplay even better with some useful tips and resources.

To get better at the game, try looking at each puzzle from different perspectives. Sometimes, the answer is in the most unexpected place. Use techniques like trial and error or process of elimination to reduce your choices.

Don’t be afraid to check out video walkthroughs or image hints for some visual help. Online forums are also great for sharing tips and strategies with other players.

Keep practicing, and remember that patience and persistence are important. With these resources, you’ll get really good at Brain Test 2 and its challenging puzzles quickly.

Happy gaming!

Brain Test 2 Agent Smith Answers All Levels [1-20]

Now let’s dive into the detailed solutions for levels 1-20 of Agent Smith.

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