SOLVED Brain Test 2 Prison Escape Level 10 Answer

You’re working on Brain Test 2’s Prison Escape Level 10, and Andy’s first try didn’t go well, did it?

To succeed, you need to use the laundry storage cleverly. There’s a specific order to follow to make sure Andy stays hidden.

Have you figured out how to move those towels and create the perfect hiding spot?

Outsmarting the guards is just a step away, waiting for you to find the right method to help Andy escape.

Brain Test 2 Prison Escape Level 10 Answer

Brain Test 2 Overview

Brain Test 2 has become incredibly popular, with millions of downloads, changing how we play puzzle games on our phones.

The game uses smart and creative challenges to keep you interested. It’s not just about solving puzzles; it also has engaging characters that make each challenge feel more personal. You’ll meet different characters, each with their own stories, which adds more depth to the game.

You can play alone or with friends, thanks to its solo and multiplayer modes.

Brain Test 2 sets a new standard for puzzle games by blending brainpower with fun.

Level 10 His first attempt was a fail Solution

To beat Level 10 in Brain Test 2’s Prison Escape, you need a good plan.

First, open the laundry storage. This sets everything up.

Next, take all the towels out of the storage area. This makes room for Andy.

After the towels are out, put Andy inside the storage compartment. This smart move lets him hide and escape.

User Engagement

After you help Andy escape from prison in Level 10, connecting with the Brain Test 2 community can make your game even more fun.

Joining forums and social media lets you share your thoughts and find new ways to play. By talking with other players, you can trade tips, solve puzzles together, and keep up with game updates.

Don’t be shy about leaving comments or asking questions; your feedback helps make the game better and gives useful info to other players.

Signing up with your name and email keeps you in the loop with the latest news and solutions.

This active involvement builds a friendly, interactive space that makes your gameplay more enjoyable.

Brain Test 2 Prison Escape Answers All Levels [1-20]

Now let’s dive into the detailed solutions for levels 1-20 of Prison Escape.

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