What is Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles – A Game by Unico Studio

Have you ever wondered if there’s a game that can tickle your brain, make you laugh, and keep you hooked for hours? Meet Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles by Unico Studio is a delightful game that blends brainteasers, humor, and creativity into one entertaining package.

This game isn’t just another puzzle app; it’s a playground for your mind, offering a variety of challenges that will keep you on your toes.

Let’s dive into what makes this game so unique and why it’s capturing the hearts of players everywhere.

What Makes Brain Test Unique?

Engaging Puzzles with a Twist

Brain Test isn’t your typical puzzle game. Instead of straightforward challenges, it throws curveballs that require thinking outside the box.

Imagine this: You’re given a simple task like “Find the biggest fruit,” the answer isn’t the watermelon on the screen but the word “fruit” in the question itself! This kind of unexpected solution is what sets Brain Test apart.

It’s not just about solving puzzles; it’s about shifting your perspective and thinking creatively.

Humorous Scenarios

One of the standout features of Brain Test is its humor. The game designers have infused each level with quirky, funny elements that make you chuckle while you play.

For example, a puzzle might ask you to help a cat catch a mouse, but instead of traditional methods, you might need to think of something absurd, like turning the screen upside down to change gravity.

These hilarious scenarios add a rare enjoyment layer in puzzle games.

Gameplay and Mechanics

User-Friendly Interface

Brain Test boasts a simple and intuitive interface. You don’t need to be a tech whiz to navigate the game.

The controls are straightforward: tap, swipe, or drag items on the screen to find solutions. This ease of use makes the game accessible to players of all ages, from kids to adults.

Variety of Challenges

The game offers many puzzles that test different aspects of your thinking. Some levels require logical reasoning, while others demand creative problem-solving or quick reflexes.

This variety ensures that you never get bored. One moment you might be figuring out how to save a stranded astronaut, and the next you’re solving a riddle about a naughty dog. Each level is a new adventure.

Tips for Mastering Brain Test

Think Outside the Box

The key to success in the Brain Test is unconventional thinking. Don’t take anything at face value. If a puzzle seems too straightforward, there’s a good chance there’s a twist.

Consider the unexpected – tap on everything, try different gestures, and sometimes ignore the instructions to see what happens.

Patience is Key

Some puzzles can be quite challenging and may take a few tries to crack. Patience is crucial. If you’re stuck, take a break and return with a fresh perspective. Often, the solution will seem obvious once you’ve had a chance to clear your mind.

Use Hints Wisely

Brain Test provides hints for when you’re stumped. While using them often is tempting, try to rely on them as a last resort.

The joy of the game comes from the “Aha!” moments when you solve a tricky puzzle on your own. However, a hint can nudge you in the right direction if you’re genuinely stuck without giving away the entire solution.

Community and Social Features

Sharing the Fun

Brain Test encourages social interaction by allowing you to share your progress and favorite puzzles with friends. You can post screenshots of particularly funny or challenging levels on social media, inviting others to join the fun.

This social aspect adds a competitive edge, as you can challenge friends to beat your scores or solve puzzles faster.

Regular Updates

Unico Studio keeps the game fresh by regularly adding new levels and features. This commitment to updating the game ensures something new to look forward to.

Whether seasonal puzzles, holiday-themed challenges, or entirely new puzzle packs, the game evolves continuously, keeping players engaged and entertained.

Why You Should Play Brain Test

Mental Exercise

Brain Test isn’t just fun; it’s also an excellent workout for your brain. The puzzles challenge cognitive skills, from memory and logic to spatial awareness and lateral thinking.

Playing regularly can help sharpen your mind and improve your problem-solving abilities.

Stress Relief

Despite the challenging puzzles, the Brain Test is a fantastic stress reliever.

The lighthearted humor and playful scenarios provide a welcome escape from daily pressures. It’s a game that makes you smile while keeping your mind active, perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Family-Friendly Fun

Brain Test is suitable for all ages, making it a great game for family time. Parents can play alongside their children, helping them think through puzzles and laughing at the silly solutions together.

It’s a beautiful way to bond and develop critical thinking skills in a fun, collaborative environment.


Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles by Unico Studio is more than just a game; it’s an experience that entertains, challenges, and delights. With its clever puzzles, humorous scenarios, and engaging gameplay, it’s no wonder that it has become a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts. So, if you’re looking for a game that will make you think, laugh, and maybe even scratch your head in bewilderment, Brain Test is the perfect choice. Dive in and let the brain-tickling adventures begin!